Thursday, November 17, 2011

Deficit Compromise?

The myth of bipartisanship

                Almost anywhere you look today bipartisanship is heralded by political pundits as a virtue.  Many believe that it is the only thing that can save us.  Many say we must work together and take ideas from each side to come to solutions to problems facing us.  However, this could not be more wrong.  While it is certainly a virtue to be gracious to others and to avoid stubbornness, it is not wrong to stand steadfast for truth.  In the current deficit debate the popular wisdom is that a combination of tax increases and cuts in the budget should be used to achieve deficit reduction.  Fiscally conservative Republicans are derided for their harsh stance against new taxes.  It is assumed by many that a compromise must be the best solution since everybody must have their ideas heard.  There is a fatal flaw in logic with this type of reasoning.  That flaw is the fact that when two ideas oppose each other there is usually one correct choice.  Two diametrically opposed positions should not necessarily be compromised on.  For example if our taxes are too high (and they are too high) and our government spends too much (and it does) then the only logical thing would be to drastically cut spending and moderately cut taxes.
                Sometimes drastic actions are needed.  This is one of those times.  We are 15 TRILLION in debt and the debate is over how much to cut its rate of increase!!  That is absurd.  The debate should be how to pay it back.  That is sensible.  Michelle Bachmann and Ron Paul get much credit for standing against increases in the debt ceiling.  We need more members of Congress who will address the real issues in our nation.  We should not disguise them with meaningless committees sent to do impossible tasks.  It is time for principled, logical, conservative principles to once again permeate our great land. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How will the West be won?

Herman Cain wins but no clear winners or losers.  Perry had a weak evening.  Ron Paul gets ignored. Gingrich clearly has the most historical substance. Santorum and Bachman no change.

Herman Cain pulling ahead in debate. Ron Paul looking very consistent.  Michelle Bachman still a campaign commercial. Rick Perry perfoming inconsistently and weakly. Gingrich looking intelligent and Presidential.  Romeny the ever political politician. Santorum too angry.


Ron Paul making some good points on constitutionality.


Cutting UN funding is a GREAT idea!


Quote of the night "I'm a cheap hawk."- Newt Gingrich


We should select people based on what we believe is important and true.  And if a Pastor wants to state to people that he beleives they should choose people that ascribe to their beliefs he may do so and shouldn't be condemned for that alone. 


Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich have looked the most presidential with Romney a little behind. Perry and Santorum must have campaign managers that are not equipping them properly.  They both have some strengths but their delivery is lacking.  Paul is great at moments and then goes awry.  Bachman sounds too much like a campaign commercial.

Cain definitely has the best style in being blunt but professional. 

*********** 9:14PM

A great discussion on freedom.  We are seeing the difficulty of trying to pander to groups instead of living by principles.  Many of the politicians on stage have tried to position themselves popularly instead of on principles.  Ron Paul and Michelle Bachman being notable exceptions.


Ron Paul making a brilliant point about equality.  Buzzword of the night "minorities." A minority group could be anyone who claims to be different.  However in America we hold these truths to be self evident that "all men are created equal" not that they are treated based on their status as members of groups.


I am amazed that with all the past issues to attack Romney on the candidates often use petty personal attacks which have little effect.


Perry is making himself look incompetent.

Any votes on who is having the best debate so far? Certainly a lot of fighting!


So far Cain and Romney are getting the attacks.  Romney is ahead in the RINO award department for his staunch defense of a state run health plan. Perry has been too quiet but his focus on energy is good strategy.  Ron Paul is never allowed to speak (a fact that I believe can easily be fact checked with a stopwatch) and Bachman has remained static.  So far it seems like there is no leader so far in this debate.
Rick Santorum is doing a great job of hitting Romney's weakness. If a candidate has principles that dictate a government run health plan at any level it is good reason to worry.  Newt doing a great job of staying on topic.
I am looking for the candidate (other than Ron Paul) who has the courage to say government is NOT the answer. Freedom is the road to prosperity!

Michelle Bachman gives a simple yet apt explanation of the value of increasing the tax base and making taxes flat.

Ron Paul makes an excellent point on taxation...particularly the income tax and spending=taxes eventually.
Good question to of the factors in the 999 plan is whether Congress could raise taxes with a 2/3 majority.  Cain didn't mention it.

Ten minutes to go until debate time with one candidate out already.  Feel free to ask questions as the debate progresses.

I am looking for a bit of fire from Perry and some more specifics from Bachman and Santorum.  Gingrich needs to translate experience into votes and Romney needs to shake his liberal past (which I think will be difficult).  Herman Cain must show if he can maintain his standing against repeated attacks, particularly with regards to his national sales tax. Ron Paul is ulikely to move up or down...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tuesday's Republican Rumble

Join me tomorrow for a live commentary on the Republican Presidential Debate. Highlights include my "buzzword buster," style points, "RINO of the Rumble," and general commentary on the issues and policies being discussed.